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AIA’s Mum2Baby Choices Maternity Plan

AIA’s Mum2Baby Choices Maternity Plan

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 by Parentology

The AIA’s Mum2Baby Choices Maternity is highly raved and popular in many online forums and mummy communities. Aside from AIA’s branding, the AIA Mum2Baby Choices is not a stand-alone maternity plan but essentially made up of 2 bundles of maternity plans options – One is a Whole Life Insurance plan while the other is based on an Investment-linked plan. The maternity coverage is actually a single premium rider.

AIA Mum2Baby Protect AIA Mum2Baby
Base Underlying Plan Type Whole Life Insurance Investment-linked plan
Base Plan AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (II) AIA Pro Lifetime Protector
Maternity Coverage Amount S$5,000, S$10,000 or S$25,000 S$5,000, S$10,000 or S$25,000

As early as 13th week into pregnancy, AIA’s suite of maternity plans are made available and as long as during sign-up health for both mother and baby is healthy, the plan offers lifelong guaranteed protection for baby.

The 2 main bundles are provided for 2 main purposes: Saving for child’s education (with ILP) or focusing on protection of life.

Both plans have the flexibility and Option to Transfer the base plan of Whole Life insurance or ILP and the attaching eligible riders to your newborn – all within 60 days from birth. Without medical underwriting questions asked!

Whole Life Policy

The AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus II is a Whole Life insurance plan that covers high in Death, Early to Advance Stage Critical Illness, Total Permanent Disability and Terminal Illness.

It has cash value which grows and compounds over the course of the policy. This provides a choice for the policy holder to surrender it during later stages of life for its cash value.

When paired together with the maternity rider, you basically:

  • Be assured of surrender (cash) value that comes along with the Whole Life plan
  • Fixed Limited Premium Term – choose 12 or 20 year option
  • Able to include Early Critical Illness and enjoy the Option To Transfer

You may be interested: Best Whole Life Plans Singapore 2020 – The Ultimate Guide

Option To Transfer

The ability to add Early Stage Critical Illness rider to the whole life plan (Guaranteed Protect Plus II) bundled with the maternity plan essentially covers the baby right from the start.

Read more about this crucial feature below.

Product Features and Benefits at a Glance

For Soon-to-be Mothers

Get It Early – 13th week

Get covered for both mother and baby as early as the 13th week of pregnancy!

Comprehensive protection

Due to pregnancy complications, the Hospital Care Benefit covers for longer stay in hospitals and ICU admittance be it any condition from the complications.

Medical Negligence Additional Coverage

In the unfortunate event if death occurs to expectant mother and/or baby due to Medical Negligence by Physician, Specialist or Hospital in Singapore or Malaysia, 100% of the coverage amount will be paid out on top of the death benefit for mother.

Coverage After Childbirth

Mummies are covered for death for 3 years even after birth.

For Newborns

Right from birth

Babies are covered for congenital illnesses, daily hospitalization benefits including incubation, admittance of ICU/HDU (including Neonatal admittance due to premature birth, HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease), phototherapy and other infectious diseases) up to 3 years.

Guaranteed Option to Transfer

This means there is an ability to transfer the base plan of Whole Life Plan and its applicable riders and ILP to baby with no medical underwriting. This guarantees your baby’s protection and coverage for the rest of their lives, up to age 100.

You can also make it comprehensive with guaranteed multi-stage critical illness coverage when you add on an eligible critical illness rider right from the start. This has to be done within 60 days from the birth of child.

IVF Coverage

·        Twins are covered

·        No additional premium loading

How Mum2Baby Works

AIA’s Mum2Baby Choices Maternity Plan

Payouts At a Glance

Benefits of prenatal riders Amount
·         Death Benefit for mother

·         Pregnancy complications

·         Childbirth Medical Negligence Benefit

·         Congenital illnesses

$5,000, $10,000 or $25,000 respectively
Hospital Care Benefit for baby and mummy (Up to 30 Days) 100/day, 200/day or 500/day respectively
Major Hospitalisation Care Benefit for mum (Continuously for more than 30 Days or at least 5 Days in ICU) 100% of coverage amount after deducting any payout under Hospital Care Benefit for mum

Source: AIA

What We Like About The Plan

1.  Option To Transfer – What’s the big deal?

Pretty big deal. Before AIA’s maternity, the other insurer that has this option was AXA. They still have it, but it’s a bundled maternity with an ILP. By having 2 choices – Whole Life insurance and ILP, AIA’s Mum2Baby essentially allows for the option to transfer of the Whole Life insurance (AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (II)) from mother to newborn, within 60 days.

The big deal is that after the baby is born, the mother has the option to transfer the base plan to her newborn and it requires no Medical Underwriting questions. This should be done within 60 days of birth.

Early Stage Critical Illness rider can be added to the Guaranteed Protect Plus II (Whole Life plan).

This essentially looks at covering the concern that parents might have: what if the baby is born uninsurable?

2. ADHD, Wilson’s Disease & Autism Spectrum Disorder Covered

Under the Whole Life plan of Guaranteed Protect Plus II, the full range of Child Special Conditions covered are:

1. ADHD 6. Major Head Trauma
2. Autism Spectrum Disorder 7. Osteogenesis Imperfecta
3. Bacterial Meningitis 8. Type 1 Juvenile Spinal Amyotrophy
4. Dyslexia 9 Wilson’s Disease
5. Generalized Tetanus The definitions of the above special conditions are contained in Appendix A4.

3.Pregnancy Complications – Most Complications Covered In The Market

The AIA’s maternity plan is comprehensive to cover quite a number of complications. This includes miscarriage due to accident, which most insurer lack.

14 types of pregnancy complications covered

1. Abruptio Placentae 8. Miscarriage due to Accident
2. Amniotic Fluid Embolism 9. Placenta Increta / Percreta
3. Choriocarcinoma and Malignant 10. Postpartum Haemorrhage requiring
 Hydatidiform Mole  Hysterectomy
4. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 11. Pre-Eclampsia or Eclampsia
5. Fatty Liver of Pregnancy 12. Still birth
6. Gestational Diabetes resulting in Foetal Macrosomia and Neonatal Hypoglycaemia 13. Uterine Rupture
 7. HELLP Syndrome (Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) 14. Vasa Previa

4.Hospital Care Benefits For Mother – Highest Percentage Payout

For each day the mother is hospitalized, AIA will pay 2% of the coverage amount.

It is the highest payout (2%) per day and even covers conditions such as severe blocked ducts (Lactational mastitis). This condition may cause breastfeeding mothers to even experience fever (and rarely covered under Maternity plans).

Also, if the mother is to be continuously hospitalized for 31 days, or 5 consecutive days in ICU, 100% of the coverage amount under this supplementary benefit will be paid out, after deducting any amount that was previously paid under Hospital Care benefit. This is also unique with this Maternity plan.

Hospitalisation due to:

1. Any of the covered Pregnancy Complications 6. Pulmonary embolism
2. Complications of lactational mastitis 7. Repair of 4th degree perineal tear
3. Inpatient psychiatric treatment 8. Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
4. Post-natal Anaemia 9. Surgical site infection following Caesarean section
5. Puerperal Infection and Shock 10. Uterine infection or transfusion due to  retained placenta following birth

5.Congenital Illnesses – Most Conditions Covered in the Market

Most often, congenital conditions are detectable when the baby enters toddler stage. It is thus important to realize this and get them covered for before it is too late.

List of 25 Covered Congenital Illnesses For Newborn:

1. Absence of Two Limbs 14. Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
2. Anal Atresia 15. Development Dysplasia of the Hip
3. Atrial Septal Defect 16. Down’s Syndrome
4. Biliary Atresia 17. Infantile Hydrocephalus
5. Cerebral Palsy 18. Patent Ductus Arteriosus
6. Cleft Palate / Cleft Lip 19. Retinopathy of Prematurity
7. Club Foot 20. Spina Bifida
8. Coarctation of Aorta 21. Tetralogy Fallot
9. Congenital Blindness 22. Trancheo-Esophageal Fistula / Esophageal Atresia
10. Congenital Cataract 23. Transposition of Great Vessel
11. Congenital Deafness 24. Truncus Arteriosus
12. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 25. Ventricular Septal Defect
13. Congenital Dislocation of Hip

6.Hospital Care Benefits For Newborn – Highest Percentage Payout

Similar to Mummy’s coverage, up to 2% of coverage sum assured is claimable daily for up to 30 days.

Most full-term newborns face jaundice today and can be treated with phototherapy. Particularly for premature babies, server jaundice is an issue and incubation coverage for that is crucial. The issue is that the incubation stay for the newborn can go up to weeks of treatment.

In this case, a 2% of $10, 000 sum assured will be $200 per day and can be covered for $6, 000 for 30 days.

Hospitalisation due to:

  1. Admission into ICU / HDU
  2. Incubation of a newborn child
  3. Infectious diseases:
(a) Avian Influenza (H7N9 & H5N1) (h) MERS-CoV
(b) Chikungunya fever (i) Nipah virus encephalitis
(c) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (j) Rabies
(d) Dengue haemorrhagic fever (k) SARS
(e) Ebola (l) Severe measles
(f) Japanese encephalitis (m) Typhoid fever
(g) Malaria (n) Zika fever

Source: AIA


The AIA Mum2Baby Choices is a comprehensive maternity plan. Bundled with the Guaranteed Protect Plus II especially, it offers comprehensive early to advance stage critical illness coverage for life, especially for the newborn.

Through this in-depth review, we hope it provides value in your choosing of maternity plan for your upcoming little one! All Maternity Plans have their pros and cons and we strongly recommend that you consider your options wisely.

To do that, let our experienced advisors help you find the most suitable plan!

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